What We Do
The annual events are used to promote a social
atmosphere for the families and supporters of
the Trust.
1. Tea and Social Evening - Along with Tea,
a relevant and educational topic is
presented by a subject matter specialist.
2. Eid Dinner - This is our main fund raiser
and is usually held 2 weeks after Eid ul Fitr.
3. Family Day - A social day of relaxation,
fun, cricket, sporting events, B.B.Q. lunch
and lots of social interaction.
4. Educational Field Trip- Tours to
“Know your Country”. Visiting places with
a rich history at the same time enjoying
nature, socializing and having a grand picnic.
5. Christmas Luncheon for the Needy -
Held at the Trust H/Q in mid-December.
Needy families receive Xmas hampers, gifts
for the children, money, clothes, shoes, etc.
6. Qurbani Event/Eid-ul-Adha - Members
contribute in cash, the equivalent cost of
1 share of an animal to charity.
7. Zakaat Collection and Distribution - This
activity is undertaken by the Trust throughout
the year and has special categories for
8. Abdul Aziz Memorial Lecture - Recognition
and Awards are presented to outstanding
citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.